16 Hours
JHSC Part 2
JHSC Certification training prepares your committee members to be better health and safety leaders, resulting in higher productivity and less potential downtime from illness and injury. Provincial employers in Ontario employing 20 or more regularly employed workers must have a Joint Health and Safety Committee in place.
JHSC Certification is an outcome-based program. By the end of this course, participants must be able to:
Describe key concepts from JHSC Part I
Describe the process of hazard recognition, assessment, control, and evaluation
Apply recognition, assessment, control, and evaluation principles to each hazard module
Create a draft action plan and recommendations
On or Off Site
Paul Litschko has been approved by the Ontario Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development’s Chief Prevention to train the Joint Health and Safety Committee training program and provider standards. Getting your JHSC Certification and keeping it current is important, but the benefits of completing your training go far beyond meeting OHSA requirements. When your health and safety committee members are trained, they are able to recognize and control hazards, make recommendations for improvements, and help to prevent injuries and illnesses. JHSC Certification training prepares your committee members to be better health and safety leaders, resulting in higher productivity and less potential downtime from illness and injury.